The main goal of this project is to perform a detailed analysis of the potential impact that may have on the regional grid the increasing amount of distributed solar energy installations for self-consumption. Furthermore, it is also considered a fundamental part of the study the estimation of the expected lifetime of the BESS used in this type of installations, as they are their most critical elements. The analysis will be performed at different levels of detail and for various possible configurations of the installations.
Specific objectives:
• Performing an estimation of the solar radiation potential of the province of Castelló, leading to the definition of different scenarios of penetration of installations for self-consumption.
• Defining 4 different levels of electrical structure for which the impact and BESS lifetime analyses will be carried out: medium and high voltage grid connecting a few towns; urban-type grid with medium voltage lines connecting transformation centers; rural-type grid representing a zone with a weak connection (susceptible of being operated as an isolated microgid); and a small isolated grid. Simulation models as realistic as possible will be developed for each of them.
• Analyzing the requirements for BESS capacity needed in order to provide the expected functionalities in the different considered structures and for different levels of penetration of self-consumption installations.
• Studying the BESS ageing in the different considered situations by means of rainflow counting algorithms.
• Analyzing the economic viability of the use of BESS at the previously described levels, taking into consideration the cost and expected lifetimes.
• Developing new approaches for the control and management of the modelled microgrids and isolated installations with the goal of minimizing the degradation of BESS.